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Akwese Leadership Coach _changemakers and women of faith_ women of purpose and power_ Home

Who would you be if you truly believed you were

Complete, Whole,

and Lacking Nothing?

Come discover the truth of who you are and what YOU have the power to do!

​Free Quiz!

Step Into the Fullness of Your Purpose & Power as a Socially Conscious Woman of Faith.

TAKE THE QUIZ to discover your core inner strength and the impact you can have on the world by awakening your deeper sense of purpose and power!

Image by Ivan Bandura

To all my heart-centered, light-bearing, world- changing women of faith who tend to give themselves to everyone but themselves...  

If you've ever struggled with worthiness and inner-belief




self-abandonment and conditioned habits taking the lead




shame and guilt creeping in when you voice your truth(s)




or perpetually feeling like you're not "enough" despite things looking good on the surface

You've come to the right place!

It’s time to get out of your own way & start showing up as your truest self

It’s time to prioritize your healing, inner reconciliation & freedom.

It's time to unburden your heart & start giving yourself the love, care, compassion, acceptance and support you so freely give to others. 


It’s time to harness your unique purpose & power so that you can transform your life and the world.


Now is YOUR time,


will you claim it?
Begin your journey of Leading Whole

It's a journey back to your authentic self...

It's the integration of body, mind, and soul...

It's refusing to hide parts of yourself or allow the past to dim your light...

It's a commitment to leading your life from a deep place of awareness, connection, and truth...

Because who you are - just as you are - is complete, whole, and lacking nothing.

Your First Step

Choose Your First Step


Start your journey immediately by checking out some of our free tools and resources designed  specifically for heart-centered women like you,  looking to root in a deeper sense of pur

Dip your toes


If you're looking for steady support in your walk of faith and yearning to gather in sacred sisterhood then Aligned & Anchored may be for you. Check out our community of practice for diverse women of faith awakened to their spirituality and radically committed to becoming their truest, highest versions of self.

Wade in the water


Join us in-person or online for one of our transformative inner intensives or immersive experiences. Each is designed to help you connect with your Highest Self  by journeying inwards towards the truth of who you are and what you have the power to do. 

Dive in deep

Hi, I'm Akwése

I’m an inner-growth, spiritual formation & leadership development sponge, recovering perfectionist, self-love advocate, healer, creative storyteller, social entrepreneur, martial artist, global adventurer, regular “gut” cleanser, and a daring woman of purpose and power.

See that? I'm not just one thing and neither are you. So stop trying to fit into a mold because, trust me, one box will never be big enough to capture all the beauty that is you. 

I want to help you truly see and believe that! To know that you are complete, whole and lacking nothing, exactly as you are, because, let’s face it, YOU ARE and... 

The world needs you!

not what you do, know or have to offer, but who you are as your truest & highest self.

 Purpose & Power

 Let's build a world where women realize the fullness of their 

 as a way of helping others do the same. 

because healing people heal people then create systems and structures that heal people 
After speaking regularly with Akwese, I came to truly understand the meaning of the power of positive thinking.

I now find more enjoyment in my daily life and experiences and find myself having less regret about the way I spend my time.

Caroline Kearney
North Korea Analyst and PhD Candidate

Sacred Sisterhood

For BIPOC women of faith ready to radically commit to the inner work of becoming...


A Transformative Community of Practice

ALIGNED & ANCHORED exists as accountability & and collective support to help you develop a regular practice of giving yourself back to yourself, sourcing your own needs, and breaking the chains of generational traumas you've seen play out time and again in your bloodline.


Together we practice digging deep within, holding difficult conversations in love, sitting with the complexity of our various identities, engaging life's "big questions," honoring and authoring our truth(s), living our values in action,  listening to the Spirit within, and anchoring in an unshakable belief that anything is possible when we let go and let God. Because you deserve to live free!

Are You Ready to Commit to the Woman God's Called You to Be?


Let's do this,


While the journey is yours and yours alone, you don't have to go it alone...because the truth is you are not alone


Be surrounded by like-hearted women walking the same path as you.


Draw on their strength, share in their wisdom and be a part of something much bigger than yourself.


Shatter your limiting beliefs once and for all

A step-by-step guide to learn to spot the ways your current thinking is holding you back and gain tools to live a more free & empowered life.

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