How to Can Regain Control Of Your Emotions
Emotions can be a tricky thing to control. They have the power to control our actions and we can find that they can sometimes get the better of us. They can overtake us and make us do or say things that we might regret. It is very easy to let our emotions take control of our lives, whether it’s in a positive or in a negative way.
I’d like to invite you to look at the different ways that we can gain control of our emotions and how we can stop them from taking control of us. I also explore how we can use these emotions to our advantage.
Why is it important to master your emotions?
Think about the number of times you’ve acted on emotion alone. What was the outcome of your actions? Having somewhat control over how you react to different situations is one of the most important things an individual can do to improve themselves. It is also an easy way to avoid those cringeworthy moments where you find yourself apologising for rude and inappropriate behavior. Strong emotions not only inhibit your ability to make sound decisions, they can also be damaging to your health.
Benefits of having control over your emotions:
The ability to control your emotions gives you a significant advantage over people who do not. That's not to say that we'll know everything about managing our emotions, but at least it will be a starting point from where you can begin exploring different options.
Knowing how to control your emotions is a big step towards less conflict, greater harmony with others, a way of enjoying more peace and happiness in life. This already sounds like a journey I would embark on.
As with most other things, controlling emotions requires some practice and dedication.
Things you can do to master your emotions:
Be Aware: This is a great step to mastering your emotions. Becoming more aware of your emotions is important. Emotions shut down your logical brain and open you up to fully experiencing whatever has triggered your emotional state. It takes some practice to be able to catch yourself when you notice a quick shift in your emotions. However, it is much easier to put out a small fire than a big one. So, try to catch yourself as quickly as possible. Controlling your emotions and properly managing them is a process, but don't worry, you'll get the hang of it and you'll feel better than ever!
Reduce stress. You’ve probably noticed that when you’re stressed, you’re less patient. When your stress levels are higher, you’re more likely to overreact. Curb this by removing yourself from stressful environments and take some time to unplug and enjoy the activities that bring you peace. Explore some activities that relax you and that you enjoy. As long as you're able to find time for yourself to relax, you'll be able to manage everyday stress much better.
Exercise. It’s harder to get upset or stressed after a good workout. Regular exercise releases much of the tension in your body and makes it easier to control your emotions throughout the day. While weekly workouts help you release tension and keep stress at bay, it's important to take time to stretch and release more tension. Yoga is an extremely effective method of stress relief that anyone can take advantage of! It will help you improve your daily mood. It's important to take time to stretch at least once a day, 10-15 minutes is all it takes.
Determine your triggers. When you've lost control of your emotions, it's hard to remember the times when you didn't. If you have trouble keeping your cool in specific situations, take a few minutes to write about what causes your emotions to shift out of control. Maybe it's a coworker that pushes your buttons and stirs up your emotions, or maybe it's the hectic commute to work that stresses you out. Is anything at home? Take note of these times your emotions got the better of you. Knowing the moments when your emotions shift will help you know what to do to minimize uncontrolled responses in those situations, you will be more prepared for the future and you will keep your distress under control.
Keep your ego under control. Many strong negative emotions are the result of a fragile ego. The reason why so many strong negative emotions are the result of a fragile ego is because it is hard to handle when our pride gets hurt. Most people deal with this problem in different ways. Some people react by lashing out. Some people bottle it up inside and deal with it later. Other people distract themselves with something else. One way or another, though, we all have to deal with the consequences of a fragile ego. When you realize that, you can start to make a conscious effort to shore up and reinforce your ego with positive affirmations. You can train yourself to be able to deal with the ups and downs of life and be able to accept criticism.
Meditate. Meditation lessons are an excellent and powerful way to learn how to deal with your thoughts and emotions in a more productive way. When you meditate, you learn how to sit quietly and simply observe one thought, without judging it or reacting to it. By doing this, you learn to ignore the thoughts that are not important. Meditation teaches you that your thoughts and emotions are fleeting things that largely come and go and that you can choose your reaction to them.You can learn to choose a more positive response to your thoughts and emotions. Meditating can be a very relaxing hobby that many people enjoy as well. I hope you do it more often!
Get enough sleep. You’ve noticed how a tired toddler is always on an emotional knife edge. Turns out, adults are not immune to this phenomenon. It can be difficult to stay in good spirits when you're sleep-deprived. While it might seem like adults don't need to sleep as much as children, they actually do need to sleep for at least seven to eight hours every night to keep their minds sharp and emotionally stable. When you don't get your usual amount of sleep, it can cause you to be irritable and angry. You could even snap at someone over the smallest issue. It's for this reason that it's a good idea to make sure that you get enough sleep each night.
Change your thoughts. Remember those times when just thinking about a certain unpleasant something upsets you and changes your mood? You can also make yourself feel better by changing your thoughts. Our thoughts have the power to evoke emotions in us.
Not only can you control your thoughts, you can also control your feelings and emotions. If you're feeling negative emotions like sadness or anger, it's easy to think negatively. When you notice a thought like "I don't like my life" or "Life is too hard", you can change your thoughts to "I like my life" or "Life is great" and your emotions will follow suit. You can also use your thoughts to create positive emotions like joy or excitement. The next time you feel stressed or angry, take a few minutes and use your thoughts to feel better.
Pause. Think of all the trouble you would’ve saved yourself over the years if you had just taken a moment to breathe and relax. When you’re feeling overly emotional, take time to collect yourself before you speak or take an action you might regret. It can be easy to act on your emotions without taking time to step back and think of the consequences. You might do or say something you regret or let people know how you’re feeling. When you stop to breathe and relax, you can gain a clearer head and think more rationally. This can also help you think of consequences and whether it’s worth it to go down a certain path.
Be solution oriented. Emotions run higher when you focus on the problem. It's always so easy to get caught up in the problem. When something goes wrong, we tend to feel like the problem is constantly on our minds and it gets harder to focus on anything else. This is what happens when you focus on the problem. However, if you direct your attention to the solution, you'll be less likely to stress out about things. Not only will you calm yourself down, but you'll also be able to come up with a solution and in the end, you'll feel better. If you keep practicing this technique, your stress levels will go down over time.
Look within and analyse your emotions. When emotions are out of control it is usually a good time to ask yourself the not so easy questions, such as; what is the real source of the emotion?
You might be thinking that the situation is a big deal, but really it's not. Maybe your feelings on the subject are based on something that happened to you in the past and you are acting from an unprocessed emotion. Maybe you're feeling upset because of something that you did, but there's no need to feel guilty. It's important to remember that you're human, and sometimes, our reactions may be a result of us not thinking clearly. Always remember to be respectful of another person's thoughts and opinions.
Keep track of your past emotional outbursts. To prevent yourself from slipping out of control, occasionally remind yourself of the pain you’ve caused yourself and others in the past by losing control of your emotions. This will help stop you from doing it again in the future. Digging up our own past dirt is difficult and embarrassing, however, this is an important exercise because the full consequence of our actions is only clear in retrospect.
If anger is a problem for you, remind yourself occasionally that you have caused yourself and others pain in the past by losing control of your emotions. Use this as motivation to do better and prevent another problem from happening. If your anger is related to someone else, you should look for ways to solve that person's problem or go through different strategies and try to work things out. Whenever you feel anger starting to build, try to solve whatever it is that is making you angry. If you can’t solve the problem right away, try to distract yourself by listening to music, watching TV, or going for a walk. Don't forget to tell the people around you that you're trying to do better and ask them for support.
Focus on your breathing. In a lot of cases, you may feel like your emotions get the best of you. When you are feeling a strong emotion, you get sucked into the thoughts going through your mind. If you want to regain your composure, you need to direct your attention to something outside yourself. Breathing is a great way to do that! Breathing is something that your body does on it's own. It's a physical action that you can control. Using your breath to connect to yourself can help you become calmer, and this can help you regain your composure.
So much of our behavior is driven by our emotions, and yet we are often completely unaware of what is causing our emotions to change. Our emotions can lead us to feel stressed and frustrated, and this can affect how we interact with others and how we feel about ourselves. Maintaining control of your emotions is vital in living a more peaceful and happy life. If you have control over your emotions, you have more control over your life.
Which of these tips are you going to start with? Take the first and share with us!